A great way to make some room and extra cash in your house it to look around and find appliances, goods, and general household items you no longer need to scrap. In this blog post, we’ll look at some places in your house where you can make some extra coin.
Australia is famous for attics that have collected generations of household goods. This is a great place to both make some extra room for storage, and make some extra cash. Common items in attics that get scraped are old bed frames, broken down appliances, chairs & more. Depending on how long you family has owned your home, you could be sitting on a gold mine.
Much like attics, garages commonly get turned into storage spaces for families. Many have old appliances, rusty power tools, unusable children’s bikes and other toys. Of course, the big ticket here is broken down cars or fixer uppers you were going to rebuild but never got around to.
Garden or Patio:
Wrought iron is a common material found in gardens or patios that can fetch big bucks at scrap metal yards. Take stock of the materials you have laying around outside and make the decision to clear your yard and put some extra cash in your pocket.
All around you there are opportunities to cash in on recyclable metals in your property. If you are unsure on what scrap yards do or done take, contact Galaxy Metals in Melbourne.
If you are in Bundoora, Victoria 3083, and looking for a metal recycling service, this is the best way to visit us.
Contact Us
Galaxy Metal Recycling
9 Mezzo Walk, Greenvale VIC 3059
(04) 1317 6223
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